
CI/CD secrets extraction, tips and tricks

This article aims at describing how to exfiltrate secrets that are supposed to be securely stored inside CI/CD systems. For that purpose, the examples of Azure DevOps and GitHub Actions will be detailed, and the tool we developed to automate extraction will be presented.

Exploiting a remote heap overflow with a custom TCP stack

In November 2021 our team took part in the ZDI Pwn2Own Austin 2021 competition [1] with multiple entries. One of them successfully compromised the Western Digital MyCloudHome connected hard drive via a 0-day in the Netatalk daemon. Our exploit was unusual because triggering the vulnerability required to mess with the remote TCP stack, so we wrote our own. This blog post will provide some technical details about it.

Escaping from bhyve

Bhyve is a hypervisor for FreeBSD. This blogpost will describe how a limited OOB write vulnerability in an adapter emulator can be turned into code execution allowing to escape from the guest machine.

PrideLocker - a new fork of Babuk ESX encryptor

A few months after the leak of Babuk source code in September 2021, new ransomware families with very similar capabilities already seem to emerge. During an incident response, Synacktiv's CSIRT detected a new ESX encryptor dubbed PrideLocker that is based on Babuk ESX encryptor, with new additions. This article provides an in-depth analysis of PrideLocker, and a method using IDAPython to decrypt its strings, as well as tips to detect its encryption capabilities.

A dive into Microsoft Defender for Identity

We recently analyzed the detection capabilities of Microsoft Defender for Identity, a cloud-based security solution which is the successor of Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics and part of Microsoft Defender 365. This article will present its architecture, analyze its detection logic and abilities and present some bypasses, as well as general Red Team advices to stay under the Blue Team’s radar.

Legitimate RATs: a comprehensive forensic analysis of the usual suspects

Legitimate remote access tools are more and more part of threat actors toolbox: in order to gain remote access on targets, keep persistence, deploy malicious payload as well as leveraging trusted connections between an IT provider and its customers. Therefore, detection and incident response teams must have a good grasp on traces left by those tools on the system. In this context, this article aims to collect host forensic evidence of four famous legitimate remote access tools.

PHP filters chain: What is it and how to use it

Searching for new gadget chains to exploit deserialization vulnerabilities can be tedious. In this article we will explain how to combine a recently discovered technique called PHP filters [LOKNOP-GIST], to transform file inclusion primitives in PHP applications to remote code execution. To support our explanations we will rely on a Laravel file inclusion gadget chains that was discovered during this research.