VMware ESXi Forensic with Velociraptor

Rédigé par Nathanael Ndong - 28/03/2024 - dans CSIRT - Téléchargement

If you are a regular Velociraptor user, you'll no doubt have noticed the introduction of new features since release 0.7.1 that extend its forensic capabilities on various systems. If not, this article will show you how to leverage those new features in order to perform forensic analysis of a VMware ESXi hypervisor.

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During our investigations, we have come across more and more VMware ESXi hypervisors. These are being increasingly targeted by attackers, as they can quickly compromise an entire information system. About a year ago, we discovered a new fork of Babuk ESX Encryptor and since then, new threats have emerged, including ransomware from the threat actor LockBit targeting ESXi hypervisors.

Version 0.7.1 of Velociraptor introduced a number of new features that give us capabilities to analyze a VMware ESXi hypervisor with Velociraptor.

In this article, we'll look at how to make the most of these features.

For the purpose of this article, all tests have been made on VMware ESXi version 7.0.3 .


In order to fully understand the article, let's review a few concepts related to VMware ESXi and Velociraptor.

VMware ESXi: structure and artifacts

VMware ESXi is a bare-metal hypervisor. It is widely used to virtualize part or all of the information system. It often hosts application servers or even the Active Directory. The operating system is based on a custom POSIX kernel, the VMkernel, that uses several UNIX utilities through BusyBox. This means we can find UNIX file system organization and hierarchy, classic utilities (ls, cp, ssh, ...) and configuration management. As a result, from a forensic point of view we can find classic artifacts available on UNIX/Linux systems (command line history for example), as well as artifacts more specific to virtualization features.

VMware ESXi: forensic tools

At the moment, it is hard to find truly reliable tools for VMware ESXi collection, triage and analysis. In general, we have to use custom scripts in order to perform collection, then triage and analysis. Most of them focus particularly on logs, which remain the most important source of information during an incident. For example, the ANSSI (the french national cybersecurity agency) designed a tool called  DFIR4vSphere which rely on the PowerShell module PowerCLI to retrieve logs and the ESXCLI command line tool to fetch specific artifacts. From our point of view, this is the most comprehensive open source tool available.

Velociraptor: description and supported systems

Velociraptor works like an EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) tool, with a central console and agents deployed on client machines. Unlike a conventional EDR, it does not have a database of signatures and malicious behavior. In short, it allows you to perform specific actions on the host, such as retrieving specific files, checking for the presence of specific elements in certain artifacts, etc. Obviously, it's possible to do more things with it, but for those who don't know this tool, it gives you an idea of its capabilities.

Currently, Velociraptor agent can be deployed on UNIX (FreeBSD), Linux, Windows and MacOS. As you might guess, despite many similarities with POSIX systems, the Velociraptor agent can't be deployed on a VMware ESXi. Many dependencies are not satisfied. As the source code is available, it would be possible to try to compile directly for the target system, but we haven't tried this approach because of too many dependencies issues.

Velociraptor: SSH Accessor and Notebook template

Since the version 0.7.1, Velociraptor has introduced several new features that make it possible to analyze a VMware ESXi from Velociraptor without the need to deploy an agent: the new SSH accessor and notebook templates.

Velociraptor's author defines an accessor as follows:

Velociraptor accesses filesystems by way of an accessor. You can think of an accessor as a specific driver that VQL can use to open a path. All VQL plugins or functions that accept files will also accept an accessor to use to open the file.

Basically, an accessor can be seen as a driver for accessing a machine's filesystem Instead of deploying an agent on a system, so in that case we use an SSH connection to access and interact with the system.

As this new accessor has not been designed for use in a VQL, notebooks are required to use it. Notebooks are interactive documents that can be edited to modify the content of a VQL query according to the result, used for post-processing or simply to test a query before creating a custom VQL artifact. Notebook templates, like VQL artifacts, can be used to create easily reusable notebook models.

Even if this accessor has been designed to be used with a notebook, it is possible to use it with VQL artifacts.

In the next section, we'll take a look at how we can take advantage of these new features in order to collect, triage and analyze VMware ESXi's artifacts in two different situations: a direct access and indirect access. And also why it can be more powerful than custom scripts with various examples.

First use-case: Direct Access through Notebook

In this case, we assume that we can establish a direct SSH connection between the hypervisor and our host.


In order to use the SSH ACCESSOR, we need some parameters:

  • hostname: the IP address and the associated port
  • user: account used to perform authentication, this user must have high privileges
  • authentication method: user password or private SSH key

These parameters are then passed to the variable SSH_CONFIG to initiate the connection. In the example below, we use password authentication, but it is recommended to use SSH key authentication.

// Parameters to provide
LET ssh_hostname = ""
LET ssh_username = "root"
LET ssh_password = "password"
LET ssh_keyfile = ""

// SSH Connection: password use

LET _ <= remap(config='''
    - type: mount
        accessor: ssh 
        accessor: auto

So we create an empty notebook and define our SSH configuration with remapping. Remapping enables transparent use of the SSH accessor in the scope (i.e. the global environment). This means we don't have to specify it every time we use a plugin like glob, for example.

As mentioned earlier, the most important artifacts are the logs, so we'll see step by step how to collect them.

Retrieving logs

Identify log location

By default, VMware ESXi logs are stored in the /scratch/log folder. When examining the filesystem tree, this is a link to another folder /var/lib/vmware/osdata/locker/log. Except that this folder is also a link to another folder: /vmfs/volumes/{uid}/log. So, we need a reliable way of identifying this location, as Velociraptor doesn't seem to be able to follow the link to identify the actual location. This may be specific to the file system, VMFS.

Fortunately for us, the /etc/vmsyslog.conf configuration file stores the default location for this directory.

The following extract shows the correspondence between the different locations:

  • the file system hierarchy, we can observe several link to /var/lib/vmware/osdata folder
[root@localhost:~] ls -l
total 1101
drwxr-xr-x   16 root     root           512 Jan  4 14:34 dev
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Jan  4 14:28 etc
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Jan  4 12:21 include
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Jan  4 12:21 lib
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Jan  4 12:21 lib64
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         75448 Jan  4 12:21 local.tgz
-r--r--r--    1 root     root         90112 Jan  3 17:31 local.tgz.ve
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            29 Jan  4 12:23 locker -> /var/lib/vmware/osdata/locker
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Jan  4 12:21 opt
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        131072 Jan  4 14:34 proc
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            28 Jan  4 12:23 productLocker -> /locker/packages/vmtoolsRepo
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             4 Jun 15  2023 sbin -> /bin
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            22 Jan  4 12:23 scratch -> /var/lib/vmware/osdata
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            28 Jan  4 12:23 store -> /var/lib/vmware/osdata/store
  • the folder /var/lib/vmware/osdata is a redirection for the real volume file system
[root@localhost:~] ls -l /var/lib/vmware/
total 16
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Jan  4 12:21 configstore
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Jun 15  2023 firstboot
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Jan  4 12:23 hostd
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            49 Jan  4 12:23 osdata -> /vmfs/volumes/658c9bfb-c80d6a8e-1a1e-525400792eb1

[root@localhost:~] cat /etc/vmware/locker.conf 
/vmfs/volumes/658c9bfb-c80d6a8e-1a1e-525400792eb1 0

[root@localhost:~] readlink -f scratch/log/
  • from that point we can retrieve the real log location
[root@localhost:~] ls scratch/log/
LogEFI.log                dpd.log                   hostd-probe.log           loadESX.log               storagerm.log             vmkernel.log              vsanfs.configdump.log
Xorg.log                  envoy.log                 hostd.log                 localcli.log              swapobjd.log              vmkeventd.log             vsanfs.mgmt.log
apiForwarder.log          epd.log                   hostdCgiServer.log        metald.log                syslog.log                vmksummary.log            vsanfs.vdfsop.log

[root@localhost:~] ls /vmfs/volumes/658c9bfb-c80d6a8e-1a1e-525400792eb1/log
LogEFI.log                dpd.log                   hostd-probe.log           loadESX.log               storagerm.log             vmkernel.log              vsanfs.configdump.log
Xorg.log                  envoy.log                 hostd.log                 localcli.log              swapobjd.log              vmkeventd.log             vsanfs.mgmt.log
apiForwarder.log          epd.log                   hostdCgiServer.log        metald.log                syslog.log                vmksummary.log            vsanfs.vdfsop.log


Instead of the default location, a datastore is often configured to store ESX logs. In this case, the location of the logs can be identified using the variable logdir in the file /etc/vmsyslog.conf  :

[root@localhost:~] cat /etc/vmsyslog.conf

The vmsyslog.conf file contains the log configuration. Even if a datastore is configured to store logs, the default entry is always present. This entry will contain system logs until the location is changed. For the purpose of this article, we didn't test remote logging.

File parsing

LET config_file_regex = "logdir="

LET file_to_parse = SELECT OSPath FROM glob(globs=config_file)

LET parse_config_file = SELECT * FROM foreach(row=file_to_parse,
        SELECT Line FROM parse_lines(filename=OSPath)
            Line =~ config_file_regex
LET log_path = SELECT split(string=Line,sep='=')[1] + "/*" AS FullPath FROM parse_config_file

This is the part that usually takes the longest. We need to retrieve the file we wish to analyze with the glob plugin.

Then we go through the file line by line using the parse_lines plugin and identify the lines corresponding to the element we're looking for using our config_file_regex variable which contains our keyword "logdir". Finally, we retrieve the contents of the variable and add "/*" to specify that we wish to retrieve all the files in this folder.

Log location selection

LET scratch = SELECT FullPath FROM log_path WHERE FullPath =~ "scratch"
LET vmfs = SELECT FullPath FROM log_path WHERE FullPath =~ "vmfs"

LET real_path = SELECT * FROM if(condition=vmfs,

When we parse our vmsyslog.conf configuration file, we consider the case where there are several possible entries distinguished by the keywords vmfs and scratch. If the vmfs variable is not empty, this means that a specific location has been defined for the logs otherwise we take the default location.

Now that we have all we need, i.e the location of the logs and the accessor defined, the rest of the request is quite similar to retrieving files from Velociraptor. All that remains is to automate the process by creating a notebook template.

Notebook template: artifact creation

The aim of our artifact is to retrieve logs from our VMware ESXi hypervisor. To do this, we'll create a new VQL artifact and change our CLIENT type to NOTEBOOK.

This results in the following, with variables config_file and config_file_regex included as parameters:

name: Custom.ESXi.RetrieveLogs
description: |
   VMware ESXi logs retrieval with Notebook and SSH Accessor


    - notebook:
      - type: markdown
        template: |
            This notebook is used to retrieve logs from an ESXi hypervisor.
            Information to provide: ESXi IP address, the port used for SSH, a user account with means of authentication (password or SSH key).
      - type: vql
        name: ESXi Upload logs
        template: |
            // Parameters to provide
            LET ssh_hostname = ""
            LET ssh_username = ""
            LET ssh_password = ""
            LET ssh_keyfile = ""
            LET config_file = "/etc/vmsyslog.conf"
            LET config_file_regex = "logdir="
            // SSH Connection: password use for this example
            LET SSH_CONFIG <=dict(
            LET _ <= remap(config='''
                - type: mount
                    accessor: ssh 
                    accessor: auto
            LET file_to_parse = SELECT OSPath FROM glob(globs=config_file)
            LET parse_config_file = SELECT * FROM foreach(row=file_to_parse,
                    SELECT Line FROM parse_lines(filename=OSPath)
                        Line =~ config_file_regex
            LET log_path = SELECT split(string=Line,sep='=')[1] + "/*" AS FullPath FROM parse_config_file
            LET scratch = SELECT FullPath FROM log_path WHERE FullPath =~ "scratch"
            LET vmfs = SELECT FullPath FROM log_path WHERE FullPath =~ "vmfs"
            //Retrieve real path of scratch
            LET scrach_location = SELECT OSPath FROM glob(globs="/etc/vmware/locker.conf")
            LET parse_scrach_location = SELECT * FROM foreach(row=scrach_location,
                    SELECT Line FROM parse_lines(filename=OSPath)})
            LET real_scratch_path = SELECT split(string=Line,sep=' ')[0] +"/log/*" AS FullPath FROM parse_scrach_location
            LET real_path = SELECT * FROM if(condition=vmfs,
            LET results = SELECT OSPath, Size,
                Mtime As Modifed,
                type AS Type,
                    mtime=Mtime) AS FileDetails
            FROM glob(globs=real_path.FullPath, accessor="ssh")
            SELECT OSPath, Size, Modifed, Type,
                FileDetails.Path AS ZipPath,
                FileDetails.Md5 as Md5,
                FileDetails.Sha256 as SHA256
            FROM results

This will result in the creation of a new artifact (2) of notebook template type (1).

Notebook Artifact
Notebook Artifact

From that point, we could launch our Notebook from the "Notebook" menu by selecting our Custom.ESXi.RetrieveLogs just like we would launch a classic VQL artifact:

Notebook creation
Notebook artifact use

Notebook template: execution and results

All we have to do now is fill in the fields and save our notebook to launch it. We need to specify the port associated with the IP address. For this example, we chose password authentication.

Notebook execution
Notebook execution

Running our notebook gives us a list of available logs, their sizes, and the date they were last modified/updated. We can then see how many logs have been retrieved (1) and download them for analysis (2).

Notebook result
Notebook result

Notebook expansion

One of the main advantages of notebook is the ability to run multiple queries inside the same notebook. Which means several artifacts can be processed at the same time. And this is where Velociraptor becomes more interesting than a custom script because we can use classic Linux artifacts already available with it.

For example, we can add the following line at the end of our notebook:

SELECT OSPath, Size, Modifed, Type,
    FileDetails.Path AS ZipPath,
    FileDetails.Md5 as Md5,
    FileDetails.Sha256 as SHA256
FROM results

SELECT * FROM Artifact.Linux.Sys.Pslist()

This will give the following results with logs collection and a list of running processes:

Notebook results processus
Notebook results with processes

In the next section, we'll see how to create a client artifact and explore other Linux and ESXi artifacts.

Second use-case: Indirect Access with a proxy machine

In this case, we assumed that another machine must be used as a proxy to reach our hypervisor.

Client artifact: proxy machine

As previously mentioned, SSH Accessor has been designed to be used with Notebook. But there is situation where direct access to the hypervisor is not possible. This means, client artifact can't be used as they have been designed to be run by the Velociraptor agent on the target machine.

In order to solve this problem, we used a Linux machine, with a Velociraptor agent on it, that can connect directly to the hypervisor via SSH, through an administrator or proxy machine, for example

In that case, to create a client artifact, we'll define default parameters for the accessor and optional parameters for our artifacts. Then we'll use the previous SSH_CONFIG variable and remapping in the query statement (i.e : the core of our request).

Client artifact: proxy machine example

The hypervisor includes a firewall that is enabled by default. It is configured to block incoming and outgoing traffic, except for some services. This configuration can be modified, for example to authorize certain IP addresses to access the management console or the remote SSH connection. It can even be used to establish persistence by opening a port for a new installed service through a VIB bundle (an ESXi software package)  like the VirtualPita backdoor. The state of the firewall ruleset can be found in the following XML file: /etc/vmware/firewall/service.xml. Prior to ESXi version 7, custom firewall rules could be modified by editing the service.xml file. In later versions of ESXi, new rules can be added only through a partner-created VIB (which means, in case of doubt, checking all installed VIB modules might be useful).

In the following example, we create a client artifact to identify authorized services on the hypervisor firewall:

name: Custom.ESXi.Firewall
author: "NN"
description: |
   This artifact is used to retrieve ESXi Firewall configuration and identify suspicious services enabled.

type: CLIENT

   - name: firewall_file
     description:  firewall configuration
     default: /etc/vmware/firewall/service.xml
   - name: ssh_hostname
     description: ESXi IP address and port 
   - name: ssh_username
     description: account for SSH connection 
   - name: ssh_password
     description: account password 
   - name: ssh_key
     description: account private SSH key 
    - query: |
        LET SSH_CONFIG <=dict(
        LET _ <= remap(config='''
            - type: mount
                accessor: ssh 
                accessor: auto
        LET XML = SELECT parse_xml(file=OSPath).ConfigRoot FROM glob(globs=firewall_file)
        SELECT _value.id AS Service,
            _value.rule.direction AS direction,
            _value.rule.protocol AS protocol,
            _value.rule.port AS port,
            _value.enabled AS enabled
        FROM foreach(row=parse_xml(accessor="ssh", file=firewall_file).ConfigRoot.service)

This query collects and parses an XML file with an entry per service that may have one or more rules, with the following information:

  • service: service name
  • direction: inbound or outbound
  • protocol: tcp or udp
  • port : number and, src or dst
  • enable: true (activate) or false

This gives us the following result:

ESXI Firewall
ESXi Firewall

In our case, we're particularly interested in the rule applied by filtering Enabled on true.

During our tests, we were unable to determine whether it is possible to obtain the whitelisted IP addresses by this means.

Client artifact: chaining artifacts

Having one query for each artifact could be interesting, but rather than launching artifacts one by one, we prefer to combine all our artifacts into a single query, as we'll do with a collector.

To do so, we have two options:

  • Create a query which calls each artifact.
  • Create a query with all artifacts inside.

To avoid having to define SSH_Accessor and parameters every time, we prefer the second approach.

Our client artifact will consist of three parts:

  • Parameters for SSH connection and elements specific for each artifact.
  • The definition of our accessor available for each query.
  • A query for each artifact.

This will give us a global artifact with a structure similar to the following example:

name: Custom.ESXi.Global
author: "NN"
description: |
   ESXi Collector

type: CLIENT

   - name: ssh_hostname
     description: ESXi IP address and port 
   - name: ssh_username
     description: XXX 

export: |
    LET SSH_CONFIG <=dict(
    LET _ <= remap(config='''
        - type: mount
            accessor: ssh 
            accessor: auto
    - name: PS EXSi
      description: Processes list 
      query: |
        SELECT * FROM Artifact.Linux.Sys.Pslist()
    - name: ESXi Users
      description: Users list
      query: |
        SELECT * FROM Artifact.Linux.Sys.Users()
    - name: ESXi Firewall
      description: ESXi Firewall 
      query: |
        LET XML = SELECT parse_xml(file=OSPath).ConfigRoot FROM glob(globs=firewall_file)

The export directive makes our variable SSH_CONFIG and our remapping available for each query. And each query has its own request.

Client artifact: adapting existing artifacts

The ability to reuse existing artifacts is one of Velociraptor's great strengths. However, some artifacts are not compatible or need to be adapted. This is the case, for example, with the Linux.Syslog.SSHLogin which parses authentication logs to determine all SSH login attempts.

This artifact uses two parameters:

  • syslogAuthLogPath: location of logs to be parsed.
  • SSHGrok: Grok expression for parsing SSH auth lines.

The log authentication of a classic Linux has the following structure:

Feb 15 20:47:15 EK2 sshd[3205]: Failed password for invalid user user1 from port 50640 ssh2
Feb 15 20:47:22 EK2 sshd[3207]: Failed password for invalid user user1 from port 60646 ssh2
Feb 15 20:47:36 EK2 sshd[3209]: Failed password for invalid user user1 from port 38444 ssh2
Feb 15 20:47:39 EK2 sshd[3211]: Failed password for invalid user user1 from port 38456 ssh2
Feb 15 20:52:06 EK2 sshd[3324]: Accepted password for test from port 55218 ssh2
Feb 15 20:52:22 EK2 sshd[3335]: Failed password for root from port 59258 ssh2

The Grok expression used to parse those entries is as follows:

%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:Timestamp} (?:%{SYSLOGFACILITY} )?%{SYSLOGHOST:logsource} %{SYSLOGPROG}: %{DATA:event} %{DATA:method} for (invalid user )?%{DATA:user} from %{IPORHOST:ip} port %{NUMBER:port} ssh2(: %{GREEDYDATA:system.auth.ssh.signature})?

The log authentication of an ESXi hypervisor has the following strucutre:

2024-01-05T18:33:12.859Z sshd[527525]: error: PAM: Authentication failure for root from
2024-01-05T18:33:16.235Z sshd[527530]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for root from port 58088 ssh2
2024-01-05T18:41:45.685Z sshd[527572]: Accepted password for root from port 49494 ssh2
2024-01-05T18:41:45.811Z sshd[527578]: Accepted password for root from port 49510 ssh2
2024-01-05T18:43:54.391Z sshd[527590]: Accepted password for root from port 60394 ssh2
2024-01-05T18:43:54.513Z sshd[527596]: Accepted password for root from port 60408 ssh2

So to make it work, the two parameters (the location path and the Grok expression) must be modified.

For the first parameter, we can take the first artifact we've seen to retrieve logs and adapt it to have the location. The second parameter, on the other hand, is slightly more complicated. You may have noticed that the structure of failures and successes is similar for a classic Linux while for ESXi it's different. At least from a Grok's perspective.

So we need to create two Grok expression one for successes, one for failures. All of this results into an artifact with a structure similar to the following structure:

name: Custom.ESXi.Global
author: "NN"
description: |
   ESXi Global Forensic

type: CLIENT

   - name: config_file
     description: configuration file for log location
     default: "/etc/vmsyslog.conf"
   - name: config_file_regex
     description: regex to match entry for location 
     default: "logdir="
   - name: auth_log
     description: authentication log location 
   - name: ssh_hostname
     description: ESXi IP address and port 

export: |
    LET SSH_CONFIG <=dict(
   - name: ESXiLog
      description: Retrieve ESXi logs
      query: |
        LET file_to_parse = SELECT OSPath FROM glob(globs=config_file)
        LET auth_log = SELECT OSPath FROM glob(globs=real_path.FullPath, accessor="ssh") WHERE OSPath =~ "auth.log"
    - name: SSH Login
      description: SSH Authentication failures and sucesses 
      query: |
        LET SSHGrokFail="%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:Timestamp} %{SYSLOGPROG}: error: PAM: Authentication %{DATA:event} for %{DATA:user} from %{IPORHOST:ip}"
        LET SSHGrokSucces="%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:Timestamp} %{SYSLOGPROG}: %{DATA:event} %{DATA:method} for %{DATA:user} from %{IPORHOST:ip} port %{NUMBER:port} ssh2(: %{GREEDYDATA:system.auth.ssh.signature})?"
        SELECT timestamp(string=Event.Timestamp) AS Time,
                    Event.event AS Result,
                    Event.ip AS IP,
                    Event.method AS Method,
                    Event.user AS Account,
                    OSPath AS Location_file
                FROM foreach(
                     SELECT OSPath FROM glob(globs=auth_log.OSPath)
                 }, query={
                     SELECT * FROM combine(
                            SELECT grok(grok=SSHGrokFail, data=Line) AS Event, OSPath
                            FROM parse_lines(filename=OSPath)
                            WHERE Event.program = "sshd"
                            SELECT grok(grok=SSHGrokSucces, data=Line) AS Event, OSPath
                            FROM parse_lines(filename=OSPath)
                            WHERE Event.program = "sshd"

We've made two small optimizations:

  • We define a parameter auth_log to store authentication log location during the execution of the first artifact.
  • We combine failure and success into one table, although it may be intersting to have them separately.

This results into the follow result:

ESXi SSH Login

As we are not experts of Grok expression, if you have any idea for improvement, don't hesitate to reach out to us !


In this article we've tried to explore the possibilities offered by Velociraptor's new features. If we were to summarize the concepts presented in this article, the key points to remember would be:

  • The SSH_ACCESSOR lets us interact with a VMware ESXi hypervisor without an agent through an SSH connection.
  • The SSH_ACCESSOR can be used directly with a Notebook.
  • The SSH_ACCESSOR can be used indirectly with VQL artifacts through a Linux proxy machine on which an agent is deployed.
  • Existing Linux artifacts can be reused with the hypervisor, with some modifications in some cases.
  • Several detailed examples are provided to illustrate how to use the various facets of this functionality.
  • Artifacts can be chained into one global query.

To conclude, we've seen that we can use all of Velociraptor's abilities to perform collect, triage and analyze an ESXi hypervisor. This makes it possible to go further than a script in terms of capacity and scalability. Obviously, there are still many forensic aspects of ESXi to explore, particularly command execution. For some unknown reason, we were unable to use some ESXi specific tools yet such as esxcli which could provide us with other interesting information.

More generally, the approach used to analyze ESXi can be applied to other systems that don't support Velociraptor agents but have an SSH connection.