Conference | Deep dive in Laravel encryption - GreHack 2024 (laravel-crypto-killer), Deep dive in Laravel encryption - GreHack 2024 - Rémi Matasse, Mickaël Benassouli
Conference | Fixing Nintendo Switch for Fun and Profit?, SteakOverflow 2024 - Baptiste MOINE
Conference | A Journey to Pwn2Own Toronto 2023, SteakOverflow 2024 - Baptiste MOINE, Romain Jouet
Conference | 0-click RCE on Tesla Model 3 through TPMS Sensors, Hexacon 2024 - David Berard, Thomas Imbert, Vincent Dehors
Conference | Tale of RCE in video game (demo video), Hexacon 2024 - Thomas Dubier
Conference | Juicing Up the Autel EV Charger: Insights from Pwn2Own Automotive, Sthack 2024 - Vincent Fargues, Aymeric Palhière
Conference | Attacking the FreeBSD Hypervisor, Warcon VI - Mehdi Talbi
Conference | COM DLL Hijacking with DLHell, x33fcon 2024 - Kevin Tellier
Conference | Open Sesame : smashing stacks into opening doors (demo video), Recon 2024 - Lucas Georges
Conference | Say hello to your new cache flow, Troopers 2024 - Rémi Jullian, Geoffrey Bertoli, Théo Gordyjan
Conference | Red teaming like an APT, a MobileIron 0-day exploit chain (article, video), SSTIC 2024 - Mehdi Elyassa
Conference | ntdissector, a swiss-army knife for your NTDS files (article, video), SSTIC 2024 - Mehdi Elyassa, Julien Legras
Conference | Frinet: Reverse-engineering using Frida & Tenet (video), SSTIC 2024 - Louis Jacotot, Martin Perrier
Conference | Apache Guacamole - Extract credz (video), SSTIC 2024 (Rump) - Antoine Cervoise
Conference | Exploiting American Conquest (video), Bière Sécu Rennes - Thomas Dubier
Conference | Escaping the Safari Sandbox: A Tour of Webkit IPC, OffensiveCon 2024 - Quentin Meffre
Conference | Open Sesame : smashing stacks into opening doors (demo video), OffensiveCon 2024 - Lucas Georges
Conference | 0-Click RCE on the Tesla Infotainment Through Cellular Network, OffensiveCon 2024 - David Berard, Vincent Dehors
Conference | THCon 2024 How to voltage fault injection, THCon 2024 - Théo Gordyjan
Conference | Ubuntu Shiftfs: Unbalanced Unlock Exploitation Attempt, CVE-2023-2612, THCon 2024 - Jean-Baptiste Cayrou
Conference | Dangerous cheap hw hacking, Bière Sécu Bordeaux - Jean-Christophe Delaunay
Conference | Solution du challenge, THCon 2024 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | Trois ans de pwn2own, FIC 2024 - Kevin Denis
Conference | WP n'a de protected que le nom, HackSecuReims 2024 - Paul Viel
Conference | Investigations à distance sur sauvegardes Veeam, FIC 2024 - Maxence Fossat
Conference | Entretien avec Romain Huon, DSI de Synacktiv, Podcast - Romain Huon
Conference | Exploiting Diablo I (video), Bière Sécu Rennes - Thomas Dubier
Conference | Unlocking the Drive Exploiting Tesla Model 3 (video), Grehack 2023 - David Berard, Vincent Dehors
Conference | Unlocking the Drive Exploiting Tesla Model 3, Codeblue 2023 - David Berard, Vincent Dehors
Conference | Ubuntu Shiftfs: Unbalanced Unlock Exploitation Attempt, CVE-2023-2612 (video), Grehack 2023 - Jean-Baptiste Cayrou
Conference | Virtualization from an attacker point of view (video), Grehack 2023 - Corentin Bayet, Thomas Bouzerar
Conference | Finding and Exploiting an Old XNU Logic Bug (video, exploit code), Hexacon 2023 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | Breaking out of the box, Hexacon 2023 - Thomas Bouzerar, Thomas Imbert
Conference | Entretien avec Arnaud Pilon, NIS 2 : pourquoi, pour qui, pour quand ? - Arnaud Pilon
Conference | Windows Kernel Security - A Deep Dive into Two Exploits Demonstrated at Pwn2Own, HITBSecConf2023 - Phuket - Thomas Imbert
Conference | I hack U-Boot (video), Pass The Salt 2023 (Rump) - Théo Gordyjan
Conference | Compiling Responder (video), Pass The Salt 2023 (Rump) - Antoine Cervoise
Conference | The Good, the Bad, and the Secure: a pentester's journey daily driving Qubes OS (video), Pass The Salt 2023 - Pierre Milioni
Conference | PHP filter chains: How to use it (video), Pass The Salt 2023 - Rémi Matasse
Conference | Equity in TCP (video), Pass The Salt 2023 (Rump) - Antoine Gicquel
Conference | Strings deobfuscation in pseudocode with microcode manipulation (video), Pass The Salt 2023 (Rump) - Quentin Salingue
Conference | Pwn by abandonware (video), LeHack 2023 - Antoine Cervoise, Romain Huon
Conference | Security of connected cars - with Tesla as example (video, article), SSTIC 2023 - David Berard, Vincent Dehors
Conference | Recherche de vulnérabilités à l’aide d’outil d’analyse automatique de code - slides (video), SSTIC 2023 - Kevin Denis
Conference | DMA practical attacks, Sthack 2023 - Antoine Cervoise, Jean-Christophe Delaunay
Conference | DLP bypass for Boomers, Sthack 2023 (Rump) - Antoine Cervoise
Conference | A study on Windows authentication over HTTP & Prox-Ez (video), THCON 2023 - Pierre Milioni, Geoffrey Bertoli
Conference | The Android Security Model, THCON 2023 - Jean-Baptiste Cayrou
Conference | Automating the extraction of secrets stored inside CI/CD systems (video), THCON 2023 - Hugo Vincent, Théo Louis-Tisserand
Conference | Solution du challenge, THCon 2023 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | Fouillons les poubelles !, HackSecuReims 2023 - Antoine Cervoise
Conference | Attaques DMA, NoLimitSecu - Antoine Cervoise, Jean-Christophe Delaunay
Conference | A journey to pwn and own the Sonos One Speaker, Blackalps 2022 - David Berard
Conference | The printer goes brrrrr, BlackAlps 2022 - Mehdi Talbi, Rémi Jullian, Thomas Jeunet
Conference | Attacking Safari in 2022, Hexacon 2022 - Quentin Meffre
Conference | I feel a draft. Opening the doors and windows: 0-click RCE on the Tesla Model3, Hexacon 2022 - David Berard, Vincent Dehors
Conference | Croissantez vos collègues avec adb, BeeRump 2022 - Clément Berthaux
Conference | Pwn2Own Vancouver 2022, NoLimitSecu - David Berard, Vincent Dehors
Conference | Faire bonne impression à pwn2own: RCE sur imprimantes HP et Lexmark, Barbhack 2022 - David Berard, Vincent Fargues, Thomas Imbert
Conference | Dissecting NTLM EPA & building a MitM proxy (video), PassTheSalt 2022 - Pierre Milioni
Conference | MobSF for penetration testers (video), PassTheSalt 2022 - Antoine Cervoise, Mickaël Benassouli
Conference | Finding Java deserialization gadgets with CodeQL (video), PassTheSalt 2022 - Hugo Vincent
Conference | Pwning a Netgear router from WAN - MitM style, LeHack 2022 - Kevin Denis, Antide Petit
Conference | An Apple a day keeps the exploiter away (vidéo, article), SSTIC 2022 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken, Fabien Perigaud
Conference | Surface d’attaque des solutions Active Directory Self-Service (vidéo), SSTIC 2022 - Antoine Cervoise, Wilfried Bécard
Conference | Suprême TTD - That's my PPL (vidéo), SSTIC 2022 - Lucas Georges
Conference | Ica2Tcp : Un proxy SOCKS pour Citrix (vidéo, article), SSTIC 2022 - Hugo Clout
Conference | Fouillons les poubelles !, ESE 2022 - Antoine Cervoise
Conference | The printer goes brrrrr, CanSecWest 2022 - Mehdi Talbi, Thomas Jeunet, Rémi Jullian
Conference | Real hackers don't leave dtrace (video), Sthack 2022 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | Rooting Samsung Q60T Smart TV, STHACK2022 - Vincent Fargues, Jérémie Boutoille
Conference | Android Encryption, THCON 2022 - Jean-Baptiste Cayrou
Conference | Pwn2Owning the TPLINK Archer A7, THCON2022 - Kevin Denis
Conference | Synacktalk #3 (video) (download), Webinar - feedbacks on pwn2own - Elodie Grisé, Benoît Lamiré, David Berard, Etienne Helluy-Lafont, Rémi Jullian
Conference | AEGE Presentation, AEGE 2021 - Arnaud Pilon
Conference | Rooting Samsung Q60T Smart TV, GreHack 2021 - Vincent Fargues, Jérémie Boutoille
Conference | Cannibal Hacking, Hack In Paris 2021 - Kevin Denis
Conference | Jailbreak detection mechanisms and how to bypass them, Sthack 2021 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | Discovering and exploiting a kernel pool overflow on modern Windows 10, Sthack 2021 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | Pwn2Own'ing the TP-Link Archer A7, Barbhack 2021 - Kevin Denis, Thomas Chauchefoin
Conference | HPE iLO 5 security: Go home cryptoprocessor, you’re drunk! (video), BlackHat USA 2021 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | Slides - Jailbreak detection mechanisms and how to bypass them (video), Pass The Salt 2021 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | AppFailLauncher, Bière Sécu Toulouse - Thomas Imbert
Conference | Zombies ate my printer’s ink, THCON 2021 - Rémi Jullian
Conference | Synacktalk #2 (slides) (video), Webinar - Elodie Grisé, Benoît Lamiré, Tiphaine Romand-Latapie
Conference | The security of SD-WAN: the Cisco case (video, whitepaper), SSTIC 2021 - Julien Legras
Conference | HPE iLO 5 security: Go home cryptoprocessor, you’re drunk! (video, whitepaper), SSTIC 2021 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | Vous avez obtenu un trophée : PS4 jailbreaké (video, whitepaper), SSTIC 2021 - Mehdi Talbi, Quentin Meffre
Conference | Manger mes dossiers par la racine (video), Hack-it-n - Lucas Georges
Conference | Synacktalk #1 (slides) (video), Webinar - Aymeric Palhière, Renaud Feil, Renaud Dubourguais
Conference | Panorama des postes et compétences attendus, Cyber & Bretagne - Renaud Feil
Conference | Product security - From the dark side to the light, Live Embedded Event - Tiphaine Romand-Latapie
Conference | No lightsaber is needed to break the Wookey, Live Embedded Event - David Berard
Conference | This is for the pwners - exploiting a webkit 0-day in Playstation 4 (video), BlackHat Europe 2020 - Quentin Meffre, Mehdi Talbi
Conference | Tout faire à l’envers, If This Then Dev - Tiphaine Romand-Latapie
Conference | No lightsaber is needed to break the Wookey (video), Grehack 2020 - David Berard
Conference | Say hello to my little shell ! (video), Unlock your brain, Harden your system 2020 - Lucas Georges
Conference | Interview Renaud Feil, NoLimitSecu - Renaud Feil
Conference | Comment promouvoir la place des femmes dans le milieu de la cybersécurité ?, BFMTV - Tiphaine Romand-Latapie
Conference | SpeedPwning VMware Workstation, Ekoparty 2020 - Bruno Pujos, Corentin Bayet
Conference | IOMMU and DMA attacks, NorthSec 2020 - Jean-Christophe Delaunay
Conference | Speedpwning VMware Workstation (video), Ekoparty 2020 - Corentin Bayet, Bruno Pujos
Conference | [SECHebdo] 28 juillet 2020, Le Comptoir Sécu - Tiphaine Romand-Latapie
Conference | The art of cyber crime, Windows Pools and Windows ARM64 exploitation (from 1:20:55), OPCDE - Corentin Bayet, Paul Fariello
Conference | Scoop the Windows 10 Pool! (video, whitepaper), SSTIC 2020 - Corentin Bayet, Paul Fariello
Conference | How to design a baseband debugger (video, whitepaper), SSTIC 2020 - David Berard, Vincent Fargues
Conference | RDP security: intercepting NLA authentication using CredSSPy (video, whitepaper), SSTIC 2020 - Geoffrey Bertoli
Conference | NorthSec 2020, IOMMU and DMA attacks - Jean-Christophe Delaunay
Conference | Binder and its vulnerabilities, THCON 2020 - Jean-Baptiste Cayrou
Conference | Modern PHP security, Sec4Dev 2020 - Thomas Chauchefoin, Lena David
Conference | Using static and dynamic binary analysis with ret-sync, Bière Sécu Bordeaux - Jean-Christophe Delaunay
Conference | Exploitation of the FreeBSD kernel vulnerability CVE-2019-5602, Bière Sécu Lyon - Mehdi Talbi
Conference | With Machoc and victorious weapons, using CFG hashing for the lazy reverser, Bière Sécu Lyon - Tristan Pourcelot
Conference | Pwn2Own Miami Day 3 Final Results (from 2:56), Pwn2Own Miami - Lucas Georges
Conference | Reversing the firmware of an e-cigarette, Bière Sécu Toulouse - Samuel Chevet
Conference | IOMMU and DMA attacks (whitepaper), C&ESAR conference - , Jean-Christophe Delaunay
Conference | Through the SMM-Glass, Bière Sécu Toulouse - Bruno Pujos
Conference | V2G Injector - Whispering to cars and charging units through the Power-Line (extended version), infosec - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | Time-travel Debugging, Rump'in Rennes 2019 - Samuel Chevet
Conference | SF30th Hacking Edition : A journey into Moo, R2CON 2019 - Nicolas Correia
Conference | Kerberos Unconstrained Delegation, Bière Sécu Toulouse - Nicolas Biscos
Conference | The return of FAIFA and HomePlugPWN: Make Power-Line Communication hacks great again!, leHack 2019 - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | Time-efficient assessment of open-source projects for Red Teamers, Pass the SALT 2019 - Thomas Chauchefoin, Julien Szlamowicz
Conference | Wild pentesting - When a reverser does pentest... (video), SSTIC 2019 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | SSTIC 2019 challenge conception, SSTIC 2019 - David Berard, Vincent Fargues
Conference | DLL shell game and other misdirections (video, whitepaper), SSTIC 2019 - Lucas Georges
Conference | V2G Injector - Whispering to cars and charging units through the Power-Line (video, whitepaper), SSTIC 2019 - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | WEN ETA JB? A 2 million dollars problem (video, whitepaper), SSTIC 2019 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken, Fabien Perigaud
Conference | Exploring the Limitations of 802.1x and Beyond, Infosecurity Europe - Florian Guilbert
Conference | Modmobtools and tricks to assess devices using the mobile network (GPRS, UMTS and LTE), Troopers NGI 2019, Research and Tinkering - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | Android software KeyStore decryption (French), Inter-CESTI - Thomas Etrillard, Julien Legras
Conference | Riding the lightning: iLO 4&5 BMC security wrap-up, 1ns0mn1h4ck 2019 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | Modmobtools internals, updates, and more on tools used to assess mobile devices, Troopers Telco Sec Day 2019 - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | macOS: how to gain root with CVE-2018-4193 in < 10s (exploit code), OffensiveCon 2019 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | Bypassing SMM-EP, Lightning talks at LSE - Bruno Pujos
Conference | Code Obfuscation 10**2+(2*a+3)%2,, JSecIN 2018 - Gaetan Ferry
Conference | Turning your BMC into a revolving door, Zeronights 2018 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | PentHertz: The use of radio attacks during Red Team and pentests, Security PWNing 2018 - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | Heapple Pie: macOS and iOS default heap, Sthack 2018 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | Modmobjam, smart jamming with Software-Defined Radio, RUMPS SSTIC 2018 - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | Backdooring your server through its BMC: the HPE iLO4 case, SSTIC 2018 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | Organisation of the SSTIC security challenge, SSTIC 2018 - Lucas Arrivé, Clément Berthaux
Conference | Modmobmap, the modest mobile networks mapping tool, BeeRumP 2018 - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | iOS/macOS 0-day^w48-hours, BeeRumP 2018 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | Introduction to CTF competitions (video), 42Born2Code - Lucas Arrivé, Corentin Bayet
Conference | Subverting your server through its BMC: the HPE iLO4 case, Recon Brussels 2018 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | TSIGKILL: Bypassing dynamic DNS updates authentication through signature forgery, GreHack 2017 - Clément Berthaux
Conference | Cracking password hashes with Kraqozorus, OSSIR 2017 - Renaud Feil
Conference | Windows 10 Pool Party, exploitation of a Kernel Pool buffer overflow on the last version of Windows 10 (details), Nuit du Hack 2017 - Corentin Bayet
Conference | Study of an unknown CPU, BeeRumP 2017 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | Out-of-control cars!, SSTIC 2017 - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | IDASuckLess (Website), SSTIC 2017 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | BeeRumP announcement, SSTIC 2017 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | Psychological profiling and LinkedIn passwords, SSTIC 2017 - Jean-Christophe Delaunay
Conference | IoT Hacking - the case of Intercoms (with little updates since 33C3), OSSIR afterwork - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | Tools and techniques to remotely compromise and spy workstations, Ecole de Guerre Economique - Renaud Feil
Conference | Turning a GPS-based dating application into a tracking system, ESIEA Secure Edition 2017 - Julien Legras, Julien Szlamowicz
Conference | DPAPI exploitation during a pentest and password cracking, Univershell 2017 - Jean-Christophe Delaunay
Conference | How to develop an unpacker: the StarForce case, Sthack 2017 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | DPAPI exploitation during a pentest, Sthack 2017 - Jean-Christophe Delaunay
Conference | Offline extraction of DPAPI-protected secrets, JSSI OSSIR 2017 - Jean-Christophe Delaunay
Conference | WordPress security: hunting security bugs in a supermarket, Security Day 2017 - Thomas Chauchefoin
Conference,Tool | Presentation of our pentesting toolkit (Disconet, Houdini, Kraqozorus, Oursin), FIC 2017 - Nicolas Collignon, Renaud Feil
Conference | Intercoms Hackings, when frontdoors become backdoors - more detailed (video), 33C3 Hamburg - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | Challenge resolution and solution presentation, Grehack 2016 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | House intercoms attacks, when frontdoors become backdoors - including progress on 3G intercoms (video), 2016 - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | House intercoms attacks, when frontdoors become backdoors (paper, video jamming, video spamming), Nuit du Hack 2016 - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | Turning a GPS-based dating application into a tracking system, Nuit du Hack 2016 - Julien Legras, Julien Szlamowicz
Conference | Kerberom, BeeRumP 2016 - Jean-Christophe Delaunay
Conference | Hacking your printer, BeeRumP 2016 - Jean-Christophe Delaunay
Conference | Cache attack, ECC, FRP256v1, backdoor, NIST, end of the world, BeeRumP 2016 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | Switching to insecurity, BeeRumP 2016 - Nicolas Collignon
Conference | UDP Just Opened, BeeRumP 2016 - Renaud Dubourguais
Conference | Frida: How does it work? How to use it? (video - french), OSSIR 2016 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | Mobile communications: practical attacks using cheap equipment, Business France 2016 - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | AJPy: AJP python library, SSTIC 2016 - Julien Legras
Conference | Near-Field Beer, SSTIC 2016 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | Challenge resolution and solution presentation, SSTIC 2016 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | Podcast about Red Team penetration testing, NoLimitSecu 2016 - Renaud Feil
Conference | Just you, PowerShell and the target? Challenge accepted (demo), Sthack 2016 - Damien Picard
Conference | Tools and techniques to compromise workstations, GS Days 2016 - Clément Berthaux, Renaud Feil
Conference | Offensive use of PowerShell (demo), GS Days 2016 - Damien Picard
Conference | Feedback after 10 years of security audits, JSSI OSSIR 2016 - Renaud Feil
Conference | HQL to SQL evasion (video), SSTIC 2015 - Renaud Dubourguais
Conference | The Internet of Things is bad, SSTIC 2015 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | Vulnerability research in embedded systems, ESIEA Secure Edition 2015 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | G-Jacking AppEngine-based applications, NoSuchCon 2014 - Nicolas Collignon
Conference | Advanced password breaking (FR), JSSI Rouen 2014 - Julien Legras
Conference | HomePlugAV PLC: Practical attacks and backdooring, NoSuchCon 2014 - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | NoSuchCon 2014 challenge, NoSuchCon 2014 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken, Nicolas Collignon
Conference | Bypassing IDS/IPS with the TCP Fast Open option (PoC), SSTIC 2014 - Nicolas Collignon, Renaud Dubourguais
Conference | Android 0dayz hunting, again, SSTIC 2014 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | G-Jacking AppEngine-based Applications, HITB Amsterdam 2014 - Nicolas Collignon, Samir Megueddem
Conference | Tools and techniques for Red-Team penetration tests, JSSI OSSIR 2014 - Renaud Feil
Conference | Oracle TNS protocol hijacking, SSTIC 2013 - Nicolas Collignon
Conference | WAF contest , JSSI OSSIR 2013 - Renaud Dubourguais, Renaud Feil
Conference | J2EE frameworks security: the birth of Expression Language injections, JSSI Rouen 2012 - Renaud Dubourguais
Conference | Fuzzing the GSM Protocol Stack, 2012 - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | The DevMode flag in Struts 2, SSTIC 2012 - Renaud Dubourguais
Conference | Criterium attack / QR-bit flip, SSTIC 2012 - Nicolas Collignon
Conference | Android 0dayz hunting, SSTIC 2012 - Fabien Perigaud
Conference | Hacking (and securing) JBoss AS, Security Day 2012 - Renaud Dubourguais
Conference | Pentests: exposing real world attacks, Security Day 2011 - Renaud Dubourguais
Conference | Control-flow flattening and symbolic execution (whitepaper), SSTIC 2011 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | Introduction to USRP: hardware, radio, digital processing, and GnuRadio, HackerzVoice 2010 - Sébastien Dudek
Conference | TCP tunneling over RDP, SSTIC 2010 - Nicolas Collignon
Conference | Exploiting and securing JBoss AS, SSTIC 2010 - Renaud Dubourguais
Conference | Feedback on enterprise applications security, NetFocus - Nicolas Collignon
Conference | Forensic and Software (Un)obfuscation, ECIW 2010 - Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken
Conference | Webshells: how to have your network wide open, GS-Days 2009 - Renaud Dubourguais
Conference | Shell over DTMF, SSTIC 2009 - Nicolas Collignon
Conference | Feedback on PHP code audits, Forum PHP 2007 - Nicolas Collignon
Conference | Encrypting hostile web content over HTTP, SSTIC 2007 - Renaud Feil
Conference | Evolution of CSRF attacks, SSTIC 2007 - Renaud Feil
Conference | Discovering IPv6 networks, SSTIC 2007 - Nicolas Collignon
Conference | Web 2.0: more ergonomic... and less secure?, JSSI OSSIR 2007 - Renaud Feil
Conference | Client-side vulnerabilities, SSTIC 2006 - Renaud Feil
Conference | Impacts and threats around the IPv6 protocol, OSSIR 2006 - Nicolas Collignon
Conference | IPv6: network security threats, IPv6 Worldwide Summit 2006 - Nicolas Collignon